JFK’s Assassination at 60: Revisiting the Israeli Connection Anew

Sixty years have passed since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and the identity of the assassins is still not definitely known, nor are their motives. But we are getting closer to the truth, however inconvenient that may be for some. Definite to all but those who refuse to see clearly or think critically is that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the assassin, but who was, as he stated shortly before his own murder, “just a patsy” in the coup d’état scheme. That is another definitive revelation in hindsight. It was a coup, one that did not complete its tragic trajectory until the assassination of presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy and the resultant ascendancy of a Nixon presidency. America, indeed much of the world, was transfigured in the process. Those responsible are likely all dead, but their diabolical designs live on in resurgent fascism and threats of nuclear annihilation.

One of the great fears of JFK was nuclear war, and he did everything he could as POTUS to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons and ultimately abolish them altogether. That put him into the crosshairs of warmongers and militaristic regimes hell- bent on acquiring The Bomb. Foremost among those regimes during his presidency was Zionist Israel. Kennedy, unlike his successor, adamantly refused to allow Israel to possess nuclear weapons and stridently sought confirmed assurances from Israeli leaders that their nuclear facility at Dimora in southern Israel would never be used to develop them.

In his last telegrammed letter to Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, President Kennedy made his insistence of having US scientists thoroughly and regularly inspect Dimora very clear: “I welcome your strong reaffirmation that the Dimora [facility] will be used exclusively for peaceful purposes. I also welcome your reaffirmation of Israel’s willingness to permit periodic visits to Dimora. Because of the crucial importance of this problem, I do hope you will agree that such visits of a nature and on a schedule which will more nearly be in accord with international standards, thereby resolving all doubts as to the peaceful intent of the Dimora project. As I wrote you on May 11, this Government’s commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized if it should be thought that we are unable to obtain reliable information on a subject as vital to peace as the question of the character of Israel’s effort in the nuclear field [boldness added].”1

1 Document 33, State Dept. Telegram 938 to U.S. Embassy, 15 June 1963; “The Battle of the Letters, 1963: John F. Kennedy, David Ben-Gurion, Levi Eshkol, and the U.S. Inspections of Dimora” nsaarchive.gwu.edu

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Essentially the same letter with the identical text, including its ultimatum tone, was sent on July 5th to Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, who replaced Ben-Gurion2 after his sudden and curious resignation (“for personal reasons”) on the very day he received Kennedy’s letter demanding the first inspection early in the summer of 1963. Ben- Gurion never responded. Eshkel asked for more time to consult with his advisors, and then sent Kennedy a vague response in mid-August reluctantly assenting, in principle, to inspections. However, no inspections occurred in 1963, as Kennedy insisted, before the reactor turned critical. Six inspections of Dimora took place during 1964-69 until Nixon ended them, but none had a deterrent effect. According to the whistleblower and former nuclear technician at Dimora, Mordechai Vanunu, who spent 18 years in prison for his revelations, Israel possesses between 100 to 200 nuclear warheads.3

With Kennedy’s assassination a major obstacle to Israel’s nuclear weapons program was neutralized and replaced by a compliant presidential facilitator.4 As tremendously favorable as this outcome was for Israel’s ambitions to develop nuclear weapons, were Zionists directly responsible for this qualitative transformation of American policy? Did Zionists kill JFK? To even raise this question will, of course, immediately invite cries of antisemitism, but the truth is not antisemitic; anti-Zionism is. Especially in light of the ongoing Zionist genocide in Gaza, this thesis deserves a full and thorough investigation. Murder, even mass slaughter, is part of the Zionist tool kit. Although the exact identity of JFK’s murderers is not known, and perhaps never will be, we all know who killed Oswald. Rather than the multitudinous analyses of every minutia of Oswald’s life, why not thoroughly investigate the life and affiliations of his assassin, Jacob Leon Rubenstein, more commonly known by his Italian-sounding name, Jack Ruby?

The son of Jewish Polish immigrants, Rubenstein worked as an organized crime functionary in Chicago for years before he moved to Dallas in 1947; changed his name to Jack Ruby; and continued his diverse organized crime activities and close associations with gangsters such as Mickey Cohen, Bugsy Siegel, and Meyer Lansky. During the 1940s, Cohen financially assisted arms smuggling operations to the Haganah and Irgun, Zionist militias terrorizing Arabs and British occupiers in Palestine.5

2 Ben-Gurion was also the Minister of Defense at the time and, along with his successor, regarded possession of nuclear weapons as essential for Israel’s continued existence (“JFK wanted to curb Israel’s nuclear activity in Dimona, was rebuffed” Al-Mayadeen, 30 August 2023). “Ben Gurion was convinced that by trying to prevent Israel from acquiring the bomb, Kennedy was endangering the very survival of the Jewish state, to which he devoted his entire life” (Laurent Guyenot, quoted in an interview with Tehran Times, 22 November 2020)

3 “Israel killed JFK, says Vanunu”, reddid.com, 26 June 2004.

4 As Guyenot bluntly states (interview with Tehran Times, 22 November 2020): “Dimora was certainly Israel’s major reason for eliminating Kennedy and replacing him by Johnson. But there were others.”

5 A vast arms purchasing-and-smuggling network and black market operating at the time under the umbrella of Haganah was the Jewish Agency, headed by none other than David 

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Along with his fellow gangsters, Ruby was actively involved in sending weapons and explosives from the USA to Palestine. He reportedly visited Israel in 1955.6 Ruby’s contacts with the Jewish underworld increased in 1963 and intensified in the eleven days before Kennedy’s assassination; on November 11, he met with Alexander Gruber, a close associate of Mickey Cohen; and on November 22, Ruby telephoned Gruber in Los Angeles, a curious call which raises the suspicion of some deal being made on that fateful day.7

On November 24, Ruby used his close connections in the Dallas Police Department to gain easy access to the police station at which Oswald was being transferred. His single shot into Oswald’s torso did not immediately kill him. While operating on the wounded Oswald at the Dallas Parkland Hospital, one surgeon, Charles Crenshaw, was told to take an urgent call from the new President who told him: “Dr. Crenshaw, I want a deathbed confession from the accused assassin. There’s a man in the operating room who will take the statement. I expect full cooperation in this matter.” When the doctor returned to the operating room, the man was gone and Oswald was dead.8

When asked by his rabbi, Hillel Silverman, why he killed Oswald, Ruby reportedly answered that he “did it for the Jewish people”.9 Similarly, his defense lawyer, William Kunstler, claims Ruby told him that his motive was “to protect American Jews from a pogrom that could occur because of anger over the assassination”.10 Hopefully such anger against American Jews will never emerge, but the anger against Zionist Israel worldwide for its genocidal practices in Gaza and threats using nuclear weapons as its Final Solution has never been greater.

If there was ever any question that Israel possesses nuclear weapons as well as political leaders willing, even anxious, to use them, a fascist member of its Knesset recently and brutally answered it. On November 5 of this year, Israel’s Heritage Minister and Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) party member, Amichai Eliyahu, stated that since there are “no non-combatants in Gaza”, then using an atomic weapon on the Palestinian enclave is “one of the possibilities”.11 He added in this radio interview that

6 mentioned on p.232 in Michael Piper’s Final Judgement: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination; American Free Press, 6th edition; 2005

7 Seth Kantor, The Ruby Cover-Up, pp. 48, 53, 56-59, 91, 104. Zebra Books, 1980

8 “The Johnson-Ruby Connection” in Jack Ruby: Israel’s Smoking Gun, the Unz Review, November 13, 2021.

9 Steve North, “Lee Harvey Oswald’s Killer, ‘Jack Ruby’, Came from Strong Jewish Background” The Forward, November 17, 2013.

10 William Kunstler, My Life as a Radical Lawyer, Carol Publishing, 1994, p.158.

11 Nicolas Camut, “Israel Minister Suspended after Calling Nuking Gaza an Option” Politico; November 5, 2023.

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“we wouldn’t hand Nazis humanitarian aid…there’s no such thing as uninvolved civilians in Gaza…They can go to Ireland or deserts; the monsters in Gaza should find a solution by themselves” concluding that “anyone waving a Palestinian or Hamas flag shouldn’t continue living on the face of the earth”.12 His father, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, echoed this omnicidal option: There’s now much discussion on what to do with Gaza. To erase them? Drop an atom [bomb] on them? It’s an option”. 13 A few days later the Deputy Knesset speaker, Nissim Vaturi, joined the extermination call demanding Israel “burn Gaza now, nothing less”.14 In mid-October, another Knesset member, Revital Gotliv of Netanyahu’s Likud party, explicitly called for the total annihilation of Gaza by using “a doomsday weapon” (Jericho missile): “only an explosion that shakes the Middle East will restore this country’s dignity, strength and security. It’s time to kiss doomsday” (Middle East Monitor, October 10, 2023).

Such utterly reckless rhetoric underscores the absolute validity of JFK’s insistence that Israel never acquire nuclear weapons. A blast to the front of his head 60 years ago silenced this voice of peace, and announced the arrival of a vicious frontal assault upon American democracy and world peace. Tragically, because of the callous complicity of JFK’s spineless successors and a steady sequence of Zionist-occupied Congresses, Israel now has hundreds of nuclear warheads as well as the expressed will to use them. That makes this nuclear threat personal to me and my family and to you and yours. All of us, whether we know or reject it or not, are targets of the omnicidal madness gripping Zionist Israel today. We are all Palestinians. Gaza is the world. Dona Nobis Pacem.

Author: Werner Lange, PhD, Chair of the Ohio Peace Council


12 “Dropping Atomic Bomb on Gaza ‘an option’”, in Muslim Mirror, November 5, 2023.

13 Times of Israel, November 14, 2023.
14 Al-Mayadeen, November 17, 2023.

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